Parents' Lawsuit Over Down Syndrome Child is Maddening - Whatever happened to playing the hand you're dealt? Whatever happened to loving the child who is born to you, regardless of the challenges? Apparently those concepts haven't occurred to the parents of a 4-year-old girl with Down syndrome in Oregon. According to Kim Carollo's post at the ABC News Blogs, they're suing the hospital because their daughter's condition was not diagnosed during a prenatal screening.

Because the diagnosis was not caught during the screening, the parents reportedly decided to continue the pregnancy and want $7 million to care for the child. I find this disgusting and dare say that a parent who sees their child as only a financial burden should not be a parent.
Part of the experience of having a child is the realization that something could be different about your child, or even wrong, but that you're going to love this person anyway. I'm not sure why or how these "parents" missed that important concept, but they have. This is a case of throwaway values at its most depressing.
Further, I find this lawsuit dangerous. If this couple is successful at suing the hospital for missing a diagnosis during a prenatal screening, who is to say what sort of lawsuits might come next? Can you sue a hospital, at age 40, because the doctors didn't warn your parents during pregnancy that you might become obese? Could a parent sue the hospital because the prenatal screening tests failed to show their child with an increased chance of allergies or asthma or any other health issue? Those examples might seem ridiculous, but that probably only means they will be the subject of lawsuits in the future.
I hope this lawsuit is thrown out. I hope this couple learns somehow to see their daughter as a blessing more than a burden. I hope she lives a long and joyous life, full of surprises and opportunities to surprise everyone. Even her parents. ( )
Because the diagnosis was not caught during the screening, the parents reportedly decided to continue the pregnancy and want $7 million to care for the child. I find this disgusting and dare say that a parent who sees their child as only a financial burden should not be a parent.
Part of the experience of having a child is the realization that something could be different about your child, or even wrong, but that you're going to love this person anyway. I'm not sure why or how these "parents" missed that important concept, but they have. This is a case of throwaway values at its most depressing.
Further, I find this lawsuit dangerous. If this couple is successful at suing the hospital for missing a diagnosis during a prenatal screening, who is to say what sort of lawsuits might come next? Can you sue a hospital, at age 40, because the doctors didn't warn your parents during pregnancy that you might become obese? Could a parent sue the hospital because the prenatal screening tests failed to show their child with an increased chance of allergies or asthma or any other health issue? Those examples might seem ridiculous, but that probably only means they will be the subject of lawsuits in the future.
I hope this lawsuit is thrown out. I hope this couple learns somehow to see their daughter as a blessing more than a burden. I hope she lives a long and joyous life, full of surprises and opportunities to surprise everyone. Even her parents. ( )
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